Messaging from a brand new number.

If you’ve just signed up for WhatsApp with a brand new number, it’s important to read this carefully, especially if your WhatsApp web interface looks like the screenshot provided. While it’s fine to use a new number for normal WhatsApp messaging to your contacts, it’s crucial to avoid using a brand new number for bulk WhatsApp messaging.

If you use a new number for mass messaging, your number is likely to be banned within 40 to 50 messages. This is because the WhatsApp algorithm monitors for known spam behavior and will ban numbers that message many unknown people in a short period of time, particularly if the messaging pattern follows the same format as spammers.

Professional spammers use hundreds of new numbers running over sim card servers, known as click-farms, to send unrequested and unwanted spam messages to unknown audiences. If your messaging follows the same pattern, your number is likely to be banned by WhatsApp.

While a banned number is not the end of the world, it’s not ideal for businesses. To avoid this issue, use a number that is at least three months old and has been actively used on WhatsApp with regular messaging to known contacts before using it with Multi-Message.

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