Unlocking the Potential of Click to Chat Ads on WhatsApp for Effective Marketing Strategies

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Click to Chat ads on WhatsApp are a vital tool for your marketing arsenal in the competitive business landscape. The digital advertising industry, which holds an outsized control on customers, is dynamic and ever-evolving. Click to Chat ads are the latest form of advertising and are conversational in nature. Marketers find them to be more effective than typical digital ads as they address the shortcomings of the digital ad industry.

The digital ad industry moved from traditional mass media advertising to digital ads as the audience had moved online, and targeting audience segments on digital was easy. However, while digital advertising solved the problem of targeting, it lacked two-way conversations with customers. Click to Chat ads provide a solution to this problem. They allow users to engage with brands in a conversational manner and get their doubts settled. This type of advertising is especially useful for technology newbies who may struggle with website landing pages.

Landing pages may be better suited for savvy internet users who can browse through multiple pages. However, they are not ideal for products such as jewelry, furniture, real estate, and financial services where guided selling works best. Click to Chat ads on WhatsApp allow customers to connect with advertised brands for clarity on products or services or to perform transactions instantly. They provide a platform for guided selling and help answer customer queries promptly.

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