
The information provided on the website https://multi-message.com is for general information purposes only and is published in good faith. Multi-Message makes no warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. Any action taken by the user upon the information found on this website is at their own risk. Multi-Message shall not be liable for any losses and/or damages resulting from the use of this website.

The links to external sites found on Multi-Message are provided for the user’s convenience only. Multi-Message does not have control over the content and nature of these external sites and thus cannot guarantee their quality, usefulness, or ethicality. The presence of a link to an external site does not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites. Site owners and content may change without notice, and Multi-Message may not have the opportunity to remove a link that may have become inappropriate.

The user should also be aware that different privacy policies and terms may apply to these external sites. It is recommended that the user check the privacy policies and terms of service of these sites before engaging in any business or uploading any information.

By using the Multi-Message website, the user consents to the terms of this disclaimer.

Multi-Message reserves the right to update, amend or make changes to this disclaimer. Any changes made to this document will be prominently posted on the Multi-Message website.

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