How to Safeguard Your Number When Sending WhatsApp Messages

Sending 2000 messages on day 1 is not a good idea, as it can lead to your number being banned by WhatsApp. Instead, it’s important to start slow and gradually increase the number of contacts you message each day. Here’s a simple 3-step formula to safeguard your number:

  1. Start slow: On day 1, send messages to 50 or less contacts, and gradually increase the count by 10-20 contacts per day.
  2. Mix known and new contacts: When starting out, send messages to a mix of known and new contacts. This will help you avoid being flagged as a spammer by WhatsApp.
  3. Follow guidelines carefully: WhatsApp is not a normal marketing platform, and if you don’t take the time to build and engage your audience, your number will get banned. Be sure to read and follow all guidelines carefully to avoid getting banned instantly.

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